Mikhail Licas
About Me
Web Apps
June 9, 2024
Regenald Regenald is a differential drive robot I build for Louisa County Public Schools using ROS2 and an Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX with the ability to perform Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The robot is based on James Bruton’s Really Useful Robot with some modifications to take lower cost parts that are also available in the United States. Most of the body’s contruction is 3D printed with a few aluminum extrusions and 8mm steel rods.
February 3, 2023
Natural language conversation Dadbot was a projecct that I’ve had going on for a while but I haven’t posted much about it. Dadbot originally was a Discord chatbot that could engage in casual conversation and has gone through many iterations. The reason I haven’t shared much about Dadbot is because I’ve only ever hosted Dadbot for my friends and not publicly due to my lack of computational power. The most recent iteration is one using natural language transformers.
May 20, 2022
Ephemeral Chat Ephemeral is a simple websocket based chat service that I made to learn how to use the Yew library made in Rust to see how good web development in Rust is now. It’s currently hosted and running on a subdomain or directly embedded on this site
September 19, 2021
What is Firefly? Firefly is a homebrew microkernel written in Rust. It’s just a a project to help learn how a kernel works and how to write one in Rust since Rust is memory safe. Supported architectures Currently, Firefly only supports RISC-V due to the simplicity of the architecture. More may be supported in the future.
September 19, 2021
What is Tritium? Tritium is a research project dealing with balanced ternary computing. It’s meant to explore and create balanced ternary components rather than create a fully functional ternary computer. However, creating a fully functional balanced ternary computer may be done after each component is researched and prototyped. What is balanced ternary? Normal computers process data in binary which means two states, a one and a zero. Ternary is similar except operating on three states.
February 2, 2020
What is it? It is a simple statically typed nearly everything is an expression language implemented in Rust. The compiler is meant to be simple and easy to read. The language has a small scope similar to Lua in terms of simplicity. Current status It is going through a rebuild as of now. I’m working on rebuilding the AST to make it more specific and I’m working on replacing the Pratt recursive descent parser with a modified hand written shift reduce parser to give it a speed boost and use less stack memory.
Braille Generator
February 2, 2020
What is it? It is a project made for the 2019 Technology Student Association state competitions. It is a program that generates a 3d braille plate model which can be exported as an .obj and 3d printed. The reason for this is the increasing rarity of braille plates that blind or vision impaired people can read in the public. This project got 3rd place in the state TSA software development competition it was made for.
February 2, 2020
What is it? It is meant to be a simple game engine but right now it’s just a simple OpenGL wrapper since it’s gone through so many rebuilds.